
Sunday, December 15, 2024

TTBC ๐ŸŽ„ Rewind

So.  I realized that I had overlooked one of the fundamentals for doing a challenge, i.e., defining the goal(s).  An additional fundamental, too, is knowing my why for the Trying to Be Christmassy๐ŸŽ„  series.  Basically, I started this series because I was thinking that it'd be interesting to see what holiday-related activities AI could come up with for holiday songs.  Also, I was reflecting on how it didn't really feel like Christmas to me.  Not that I had the blahs, but simply I didn't have a strong sense that it was the holiday season apart from occasional moments of seeing holiday items in the grocery store or observing some holiday decorations in my area.

In a way, I do know my "why" for the series, but why does it matter to feel Christmassy? There are other things that I could preoccupy my time with that, frankly, are probably more important than this.  That, in a way, is another reason for doing this series:  If I don't, the time will likely whizz by overrun by other non-holiday activities or possibly too overextended by holiday activities to be present to the season.

My reasons for feeling Christmassy are to:

Appreciate the holiday season

Be present to the holidays, i.e., to avoid wondering where the holidays went once they'd passed

To connect with the holiday/Christmas energy, in the sense, of having something to look forward to, enjoying holiday experiences, connecting with others

Knowing my why, i.e., to appreciate the holiday season and to be present to the holidays, etc., also overlaps with defining my goal.  For that question, I'd additionally include to:

Feel calmer during the holiday season

Be better prepared which includes having my space feel holiday-ish, plan better so as to shop more strategically (ideally!), be more calmly ready for holiday outings (again ideally)

Another question that can help me to feel Christmassy is what are some things that I can do to feel more holiday energy ๐ŸŽ„?

Balance time with others with quiet time

Observe and appreciate holiday decorations, music, attire and food!

Watch holiday-themed YouTubes/movies

Learn about the holidays

Wear more holiday-ish colors

Make my home feel cozier

Find more opportunities to add cinnamon to food

Refill my diffuser with peppermint essential oils

Post and as possible do the TTBC series

Do the cool holiday journal workbook that my sis created

Sleep more

Practice staying calm and compassionate during potentially stressful holiday moments

Well, it's getting late, but this entry has been useful as a way of better reflecting on my Christmassy series, and, hopefully, it's allowed you to also reflect on your version of "Christmassy" or even helped you with pinpointing your outcome for desired goals. 

I don't intend on doing all of the things that I listed for feeling more Christmassy, but if I do a handful that'd be helpful.  

Also, remembering to practice self-care and to be patient is especially important during the holidays.

And for whatever wandering soul happened upon this post in the blogosphere, what does feeling more Christmassy mean to you?  

Additionally, is there an interest/activity in your life which may be neglected as it seems frivolous compared to your other priorities?  If the interest/activity is enjoyable/meaningful to you, is there a way that you could schedule time for it?

Thanks for reading this post and for following along with this  holiday series!  

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