It was funny thing but a few days ago when I googled "life coaching+singles" or "life coaching for singles," most of the results which came up weren't life coaching but relationship coaching. While scrolling through the well-intended sites, I got the feeling that being single was some kind of odious sickness that a person had to be cured of. On her website, Coach Yvonne Chase even humorously uses the tagline of "You're single, not sick. Enjoy the ride." to remind potential clients to lighten up about being single.
And she's right: You're not sick or in need of curing. You're simply a single person who has her own unique issues whether it's balancing life, setting boundaries with friends & family members, practicing self care, or even managing your dating life.
My desire with A Singular Life is to coach people who are single or living single (in a relationship but live separately) as they are. I'm not a relationship coach and you're more than your relationship status. Some singles do want to be in relationship, some do not.
Alas, whether you're single or living single, start now to celebrate your status and appreciate the singular person that you are!
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